Oftentimes I find my biggest obstacle is, well, myself. Some inspiration from the late Randy Pausch has helped me identify how to get out of my own way. Your Brick Wall is the Mirror—Shatter It I truly believe we can only reach our fullest potential when we’re challenged. Challenges are often described as barriers or…
If you know exactly what you want, you increase the likelihood of getting exactly what you want. The converse is also true. If you don’t know what you want, or what you’re doing, you’re likely to cast a wide net, cross your fingers and wait. When you’re fishing, for example, this results in catching littered…
The fourth quarter is approaching–make it count! I’ll tell you everything you need to know to get your biz on track, just read my column below which originally appeared in The Tennessean. You’ve heard the old adage; the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. What you may not have…
If you’ve hired correctly, you have a team with the talent to grow your business. Understand what each team member brings to the table and use that! Below is my column “The Comfort Zone is Your Business’s End Zone” which originally appeared in The Tennessean. Read on to learn about growing your business by utilizing team…
I wrote about meetings in a previous blog entitled, “Meetings Suck.” I agree. Meetings do suck—if you do them incorrectly which most business owners and managers are guilty of. But, meetings are necessary to foster alignment. My article below about “Daily Huddles” was originally published in the Tennessean August 23rd. Read it. From 8:33 to…
So many business owners make it all about them. They fail to recognize the bigger picture. As a business owner you have the opportunity to make a huge impact if you realize it’s not about you. It’s about your team members, their families, the community, the economy, our nation, and you could even go as…
Many have dreams of entrepreneurial grandeur that go something like this—You stomp into your mundane nine to five and hand your out-of-touch boss an effective-immediately resignation letter. You puff up your chest, hold your shoulders back and declare you’re sick of working grueling hours and taking on endless work just to benefit his pocket. You…
If you want to grow your business, you’re going to need great employees. Want great employees? Treat them right! If you read the front page of The Tennessean’s July 12th business section, you came across my full break down. If not, you’re in luck. Here it is. “Bosses Should Appreciate Employees” Business owners spend a…
Simply stated, think bigger than you are now and create system/processes to support bigger.