It’s 5 o’clock. You’ve had a long day at the office and can’t wait to get home. You rush to the parking lot, leap into your car and gun it to the 1-65 on-ramp. What you see ahead is not pretty. A sea of cars parked across four lanes. The lane to your left starts…
The year’s end is truly a beginning. This is the time of year businesses begin setting their 2013 goals — New Year’s resolutions for your business.. This process takes time because a good plan—one the business leader and the team will stick to—isn’t created overnight. The same applies to personal resolutions. Forty-five percent of people set…
The fourth quarter is approaching–make it count! I’ll tell you everything you need to know to get your biz on track, just read my column below which originally appeared in The Tennessean. You’ve heard the old adage; the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. What you may not have…
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4107 Mallory Lane
Suite 301
Franklin, TN 37067