Recently, Petra Coach presented a webinar, “Personal Financial Fitness” with Former CPA and Certified Petra Coach David Pierce. This information is applicable to team members of all roles and levels for best practices on managing and maximizing your personal finances. You can find the full recording here. The slide deck and tools mentioned in the…
Resolutions vs. Goal Setting By Morgan Stanley, Accountability Coach Picture it. It is December 31. There are two minutes until the clock strikes midnight. You are about to be a completely “new you” in exactly two minutes. That is how it goes, right? – New Year’s Resolutions. People think the calendar switches to a new year,…
Recently, Petra Coach presented a webinar, “Why You Aren’t Rich Yet” with David Waddell and Teresa Bailey of Waddell and Associates. If you’re an entrepreneur, this information is key to recognizing subconscious bias that may be preventing you from maximizing your net worth and taking initiatives to change that. You can find the full recording…
Recently, Petra Coach presented a webinar, “What the Hell is Culture Anyway?” with Arnie Malham. If you’re a business leader, this information is crucial to sharpening your skills and growing as a leader and team member. You can find the full recording here. The below Illustrated Model is from The Vivid Ink Company. Kristin McLane…
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This article originally appeared in Forbes. As a leader, do you want your team to improve? You bet. As an entrepreneur, do you want your company to grow? Of course, you do! That’s why it’s vital that you grow, too. It all starts with having the right mindset. In education, teachers are told to encourage…
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A recent series of online articles created a surge of inquiries for this Petra Card prompted us to add it as a download in our Take Action Docs and on our homepage – download and use for your own.
This 'action' sheet can assist you with any a number of different types of meetings. Team meetings – Leadership meetings – Client meetings.
What are the 3 most important 'Top Tasks' to be accomplished over the next two weeks to move the business forward.