Recently, Petra Coach presented a webinar, Mastering Process Improvement: Tools, Techniques, and Overcoming Challenges with Hilary Corna.

You can find the full recording below.

Top Takeaways

The Importance of Process Excellence

  • Competitive Advantage in a Dynamic Market
    • Companies with mature operational excellence programs achieve 23% higher profitability and 19% faster revenue growth compared to their peers
  • Customer Satisfaction
    • 88% of customers are more likely to return to a business after a positive customer experience
  • Agility and Adaptability
  • Employee Engagement and Productivity
    • Employees who understand and are involved in process improvement initiatives are 27% more engaged and productive

Problems with Current Approaches

  • Too big
  • Too complex
  • Not designed for non-manufacturing businesses
  • A lot of wasted time in unproductive meetings
  • Mostly focused on “documentation”

The 3 Key Process Tools

Customer Life Cycle – “The Why”

  • A more sustainable and predictable business
  • Earn the right to customers for life
  • Develop a hidden strategic advantage

PDCA Process – “The What”

  • People tend to want to jump to step 5 & 6 without doing the “plan” steps
  • Steps 1-4 are your concrete roadmap

The goal is to create a PDCA Wheel.

PDCA Steps

The Strategy

Rollout Version Control

  • Start with V.1
  • Each additional PDCA cycle reduces in time
  • Just like a phone rolls out software updates in bulk, GoLive with process updates in bulk
  • Over time, this standardization creates your company “Way”

The Kaizen Strategy


  • Not all problems can be solved in V.1
  • Not all problems are equal in importance or urgency
  • Not aiming for temporary fixes
  • Not erratically “taking action” that causes disruption, disjointed change, and un-sustained processes

The Human Way

Goods and Information Flow – “The How”

  • Defined: A one-page master flow chart method across all department touchpoints that visually depicts the sequence of goods and information in a planned business process from end to end

What Makes a Goods & Information Flow Different?

  • It is sequential in time
  • It includes customer perspective
  • It shows cross-functional dependencies
  • It shows what is happening, now how it’s happening
  • There is only one per company

Cyclical Operations vs. Linear Operations

Linear Operations

  • Not aware of what others are doing
  • Difficult to know when one dept changes
  • Only some connected to the customer
  • Creates inconsistent experiences
  • More “finger-pointing”

Cyclical Operations

  • Syncs departments
  • More effective initiatives
  • Less disjointed processes
  • Highly empathetic
  • More gaps surface faster
  • More objective
  • Depersonalized

“No one has more trouble than the person who claims to have no trouble.” -Taiichi Ohno

Putting Them Into Action

Definition of the “Problem”

  • Problem = the gap between the ideal situation and the current situation

Problem Prioritization

  • Steps 3-8: Identify and Prioritize Problems to Standardize Successful Processes
  • Use one master worksheet for each step

The Employee Experience

“It’s not what we change. It’s how we change.” – Hilary Corna


Slide Deck

The Customer for Life Cycle

The PDCA Approach

Template for Goods & Information Flow

The Free Process Improvement Worksheet


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