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Daphne T. Large
Data Facts, Inc

If you are wanting to take your company to the next level and have looked yourself in the mirror and said “I need help”, then Petra is the company you need to challenge you, push you, and develop your team to be positioned to deliver on and achieve your goals. Just do it.

McKeel Hagerty

If you want to make the Rockefeller habits really sing, you need Petra Coach. Great strategies can only become truly great with excellent execution. With Petra you can get both!

Will Verity
Verity Investment Partners

Petra has developed a highly effective, team-based approach for implementing the Scaling Up process that enables a company to optimize its long-term success by engaging and aligning its team members on the most important priorities each quarter.

Kevin Sherrill
Sherrill Pest

Professionally I feel I am growing as a leader every week and getting better prepared to lead our company along this exciting journey of scaling our company.

What We Do

Shift Mindsets

We condense decades into days and speed up the growth of scaling teams and businesses. We empower leaders and their teams to scale their organizations and we do this through the facilitation and implementation of Rockefeller Habits.

Why We Do It


When its all said and done, we will have positively impacted over 10 million human beings.

Where We Are Going


We will be working annually with 750 unique businesses and teams via the leadership of 50 coaches and 50 accountability coaches both globally recognized as the best in the world.