With social networking literally at our fingertips, many of us don’t get as much practice with traditional networking. Engaging with colleagues, business prospects and friends face-to-face requires alternate skill sets than those expected through online interactions. For instance, you must think on your feet in a real-time networking scenario while social networking allows delays in…
A lot has changed in the more than 20 years I’ve been in business. Everything from management theories to marketing tactics, and most of all, technology. We’ve progressed from car phones to smartphones, desktops to tablets and traditional media to social media. These technological advancements add tremendous benefit to business. Although technology can’t replace the…
With inspiration comes motivation. From motivation springs action. Only action breeds growth. Inspiring people, the first step in the growth process, is one of my main jobs as an entrepreneurial coach. Last week, roles were reversed – one of my new clients inspired me. My new client, let’s call him Joe, asked me to speak…
Business coaches are a lot like personal trainers. People turn to them when they need help reaching their goals. Hard work means a lot in business, and it can get business owners pretty close to where they want to be. Most often, it’s the final small step toward success that is the hardest. A coach…
Without the support of my wife I would not be where I am today. With my career as a small business owner and entrepreneur, she’s had to put up with a lot – long hours, extensive travel, missed paychecks and the list could go on. Lucky for me, 19 years later she’s still by my…
I’m that guy who writes in his books. Yup, the inside covers and margins aren’t even safe. Over the years I’ve read, and doodled in, hundreds of business and personal development books. Two handfuls have tremendously influenced me. Here’s my top 10 best business and leadership book list – the ones I keep nearby for…
Nothing—I repeat—nothing will affect your business more than the people you add to your team. Your competitors can imitate all your systems and processes, offer the same products or services but they can’t clone your people. (Not yet anyway.) There are two overarching hiring philosophies. You can either: Hire smart Hire fast The first creates…
“In quoting others we cite ourselves.” – Julio Cortazar I spend thousands of hours with hundreds of business leaders across the country facilitating their company planning-sessions. If you took a snapshot of our meetings, you’d see a handful of really cool people hard at work in a conference room with neon sticky notes covering…
Our great city has been all the buzz lately. GQ renamed us, “Nowville.” A recent Gallup Poll distinguished us as one of the “Top Five Regions for Growth.” CNN placed us in their third slot of “Cities Where Startups Thrive.” Forbes included us in their list of cities that are “Getting Smarter the Fastest.” Travel…
Your business becomes the result of the decisions you as a manager or business owner make. That being said, the best managers must be equipped with one common strength—decisiveness. Napoleon said, “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” I couldn’t agree more. Decision-making is difficult and risky…