Making EXTRAORDINARY Exits Possible

The expert guides for strategic selling

STS Capital Partners are the expert guides to targeting strategic buyers who believe in your business – and will pay a premium to acquire it. Their strategic sell-side only approach enables them to target the right strategic buyers and emphasizes your unique, integrated value to deliver the maximum financial value possible for your business.

As a Petra Partner, they know first hand that building a business means investing personal resources more valuable than money (time, energy, effort, focus..etc). So when it’s time to sell, you deserve an Extraordinary Exit that achieves maximum financial value and enables you to reap the rewards.

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20 years of Extraordinary Exits

STS is different from other M&A firms: they’re entrepreneurs too. Like many of our Members, STS knows the big dreams, late nights and broken sleep of entrepreneurial business owners. They will guide you through this strategic journey of selling your business and delivering true potential value, both for your financial net worth and your legacy potential. Here is how they deliver:

Expert Guides

Providing the expert guidance on the journey to Extraordinary Exits.


Enabling you to achieve maximum financial value by strategically selling to strategic buyers.


Achieving maximum multiples to create lasting legacies through philanthropic initiatives.