
Director of Business Development

We are looking for that special person who loves to drive sales to close. In this position, among other things, you will be working directly with our founder to collaborate on sales processes and leaning into larger and larger deals over time.

Download the Scorecard

Is this you?

  • Do you love both the pursuit of sales (the process) and the winning (the closing) – will you stay with it until it is complete?
  • Can you connect easily with others and listen to truly understand their needs?
  • Can you take a glimmer of an opportunity and bring it to a completed agreement?
  • Are you organized in such a way that details matter to you – yet flexible enough to fill in gaps that appear?
  • Are you tech savvy? Not in the Snapchat sense, but in the, ‘I can whip up a proposal, keep up with all my contacts, manage my calendar and tasks – all using the latest tech?
  • Are you a learning ninja? Do you enjoy the exploration and growth that comes from diving into the deep end quickly?
  • Do you ‘get’ and understand CRM systems? (HubSpot preferred) Understanding how to maximize your work with these tools and keep up with the details needed?
  • Are you willing to fail and willing to learn from the failure and keep going over and over again?
  • Do you have inherent “drive” – do you act and not wait to be told all the details? Can take an outcome and figure out the rest? Can you work independently – Can you do what you do best and collaborate with the team when needed?
  • Do you have 10 years of successful sales experience, are you able to establish equal footing with C-level leaders? Bonus points if you’ve got previous coaching or entrepreneurial experience.
  • Have you worked in an entrepreneurial environment or other small business? Are you nimble and able to adapt quickly? Do you thrive in an ever changing environment?
  • Are you looking for more than just “hitting your numbers”? Are you looking to make an impact far beyond yourself and leave things better than you found it?

What You Will Be Doing (Among Other Things...)

  • At least 80% of your time should be focused on and in conversations with prospects (leads) that are produced via marketing funnels and other business generation activities. Move them through the pipeline.
  • 30+ meetings via phone, zoom or face to face each week with interested leads qualifying them into candidate status and placing them in the appropriate segment of services that meets their needs.
  • Continually connecting with those that you close (members) to create relationships that garner ‘referrals’ for new members as well and increasing retention of that member.
  • Connecting on a consistent basis with our referral partners, centers of influence and friends of Petra to create and maintain a relationship that drives new leads back to Petra.
  • When needed, attend in person conferences, planning days or go see candidates face to face to close the agreement. Travel is minimal.
  • Always seeing around the curve to find a better solution – increasing results and impact!
  • Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone. Be prepared to make outbound calls to leads generated from workshops, webinars and other Petra events.
  • Working and directly reporting to the executive team to produce the results that are mutually agreed upon and ever-increasing returns quarter over quarter (never completely satisfied with progress).
  • Lastly – Have fun! If it’s not fun for you, it’s not worth it. Let’s build a company that changes lives globally – together.

Ready to become a Petra Director of Business Development? Apply Below!

We are a MINDSHIFT Business

We empower leaders and their teams to scale their organizations. We do this through an incredibly talented, dedicated and passionate team of Petrans who are continously learning and growing themselves so that we CAN push others to do the same. Learn a bit more about what drives us and see if it aligns with where you want to go.

What We Do

Shift Mindsets

We condense decades into days and speed up the growth of scaling teams and businesses. We empower leaders and their teams to scale their organizations and we do this through the facilitation and implementation of Rockefeller Habits.

Why We Do It


When its all said and done, we will have positively impacted over 10 million human beings.

Where We Are Going


We will be working annually with 750 unique businesses and teams via the leadership of 50 coaches and 50 accountability coaches both globally recognized as the best in the world.

With a Global Reach

The Values That Define Us

There is No Try,
Only Do

I've Got Your Back.
No Matter What

Please & Thank you.
Say and Mean It.

Everything is an Experience.
Every Time!

See Around the Curves. Anticipate Needs - Prefill Them

Be Curious.
Ask Why & Improve

Be a Barnabas - An Ironman with a Squishy Heart