A Petra Case Study

Litco Law

Scaling a Legacy


Law Firm




Calgary, AB

In 2015, when we partnered with Petra, our company was a modest family-run business. Operating with only two brothers at the helm, our roles were unclear, and the organization primarily consisted of around 20 legal professionals distributed across a few departments. By 2023, we had undergone a remarkable transformation. We expanded to approximately 165 team members across 15 diverse departments, evolving into a fully-fledged business entity, distinct from the typical law firm.

"Could we grow our business to a point where it functioned without our daily intervention?"

We approached our business as entrepreneurs first, with the legal profession as our specialization. After acquiring the business from our parents, we aimed to transcend the traditional law firm model. Entrepreneurship came with its share of benefits, but it also demanded unwavering commitment. We were no strangers to hard work, having witnessed our parents' dedication, often at the expense of personal time and leisure. As we continued to build on what they had started, we wondered: Could we grow our business to a point where it functioned without our daily intervention?

Motivated by our desire to transform the company into a self-sustaining entity, we embarked on a journey that led us to Petra. The connection began when one of us joined Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) in 2010, eventually leading to the Key Executive Program at MIT in 2014.

There, we encountered Petra Coach, and a pivotal moment occurred when we heard them articulate what we would later learn was the Petra Platform.

"It would have been disrespectful to our parents not to take what they had built and improve upon it, to make it grow into something even better."

Despite recognizing the potential, we initially hesitated to implement it, as we had encountered disappointments with previous coaching services. But we realized that it would have been disrespectful to our parents not to take what they had built and improve upon it, to make it into something even better.

With the invaluable advice from other law firms that had embraced the Petra Platform and Petra's guidance, we took the leap into what has developed into a nearly decade long relationship with the Petra Coach team.

"The ideas were already present, but Petra helped bring them to life."

With a primary focus on personal injury law our sector, our sector was particularly conducive to scalability due to the contingent fee structure that incentivizes efficiency and timely results. When we started working with Petra in 2015, our plan to scale emphasized delegation, specialization within departments, and fostering a people-centric culture.

Our team talent strategy was already somewhat stratified, but with Petra’s guidance, we realized how to further develop it. We had attempted some strategies in the past, but lacked the cultural foundation that Petra provided. In other words, the ideas were already present, but Petra helped bring them to life.

Emphasizing the significance of prioritizing the right team, we recognized that our clients' satisfaction depended on our team's happiness and alignment with the organization’s Core Values. Because of the large cultural shift that needed to take place, we made the pivotal decision to involve the entire team in the planning process.

"They're always amazed by what we do and want to replicate our success."

The first year with Petra was marked by a focus on identifying Key Performance Indicators and the foundational elements of the Petra Platform. Although initially, met with skepticism, the gradual integration of these practices, has become a fundamental aspect of our organization. The emphasis on new practices and a stronger definition and practical application of how our Core Values apply to our team members lives, jobs, and organization as a whole have completely shifted our culture and propelled us to success.

A major milestone in this journey was when we chose to lease 20,000 square feet of office space in another part of the city. It was a bold investment that initially raised some concern, but the decision turned out to be a perfect fit for our growth trajectory, boosting our confidence and trust in the process.

The following year marked a turning point as we achieved stability, gained even more confidence in our strategic planning, and fine-tuned organizational designs to accommodate growth. This led us to scale our revenue nearly 9X since 2015, thanks to our committed team and strategic investments. 

It shocks us every time we have a peer firm or another business from our EO or YPO ecosystem visit us. They're always amazed by what we do and want to replicate our success. It's sometimes surprising because for us, it's just another day at the office. Internally, we may not fully realize the impact we're making. We always believe there's room to get better and we don't rest on our laurels. While it's nice to receive compliments, we know there's still much more we need to do, challenges to face, things to learn, and talented people to find. There's always more on our plate.

This led us to scale our revenue nearly 9X since 2015, thanks to our committed team and strategic investments. 

"The success stories of team members rising through the ranks highlight our commitment to nurturing talent within our organization."

Since engaging with Petra, we emphasize hiring individuals who align with our culture and investing in talent for the future. The success stories of team members rising through the ranks highlight our commitment to nurturing talent within our organization. Additionally, we focus on a results-driven work environment, providing our team with freedom, coupled with clear metrics and accountability.

Our trajectory has been shaped by collective growth and a dedicated team. We remain grateful to pay forward the knowledge and experiences gained, standing as a testament to the power of perseverance, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

As dedicated entrepreneurs, our lives are intricately woven with our business, where we've invested our hearts, souls, and time. And the passion we have for what we do remains undiminished. Since partnering with Petra, our lives have seen remarkable transformation – but the the profound impact of Petra has extended beyond our business and into our personal lives as well.

“In addition to our strategic business planning, we embraced a journey of personal growth.”

In addition to our strategic business planning, we also embraced a journey of personal growth. By incorporating personal elements of planning such as the One-Page Personal Plan, DiSC, and Boundless’ methodology, we've learned how to better concentrate our efforts on what truly matters, both personally and professionally, allowing us to dream big, set goals, and pursue them consistently. 

Petra's (and now our) emphasis on building a great company by nurturing a strong team and culture has proven instrumental in our journey to scale. Prioritizing the well-being of our team ensures exceptional client service, adhering to the age-old principle of "take care of the clients, and the rest will take care of itself."

"The personal planning process has made us appreciate our different personalities and approaches."

This personal prioritization extends to our family and team, fostering a close-knit community. Small, incremental changes and dedication to fundamental habits have been pivotal in our continuous success both inside and outside the workplace.

The personal planning element has made us appreciate our different personalities and approaches, recognizing that we complement each other, leading to better outcomes. Our Core Values in both our personal and business lives form the foundation for our actions each and every day.

"Through Petra, we've learned that focusing on goals, embracing Core Values, and continuous practice can lead to fulfilling and successful lives in both business and family domains." 

"The personal planning process has made us appreciate our different personalities and approaches."

One-Page Personal Plans have become our compass, guiding us in building the lives we desire and paralleling the practices we employ in our business. We consistently revisit our personal plans, ensuring alignment with our values and evolving aspirations.

Our dedication to practice, especially in adhering to Core Values, keeps us grounded. We acknowledge that nobody is perfect, and moments of falling short serve as opportunities for growth and realignment.

Through Petra, we've learned that focusing on goals, embracing Core Values, and continuous practice can lead to fulfilling and successful lives in both business and family domains.

Above all, we advocate not waiting to begin creating the life you desire. Our only regret is not discovering Petra sooner, but we have never been happier than in our current state, looking forward.