About This Workshop

In our new BONUS workshop series, we’re breaking business best practices down into 60-minute sessions for you to apply in your organization.

Every company thinks they have a strong culture.

Happy hours? Check. Free parking? Check. Breakroom snacks? Check.

But what if I told you that your concept of “company culture” is completely wrong? What if I told you that true culture has little to do with the perks you offer your employees or the activities you see on social media? So what IS culture?

True culture is the temperature of the everyday interactions that occur among your team. Culture consists of clear expectations and frequent, transparent communication; conflict management and showing one another appreciation. In short, culture is a whole lot more than meets the eye.

In this 60-Minute Habits Workshop, we’re going to dig past the ‘fluff’ and get to the root of what the culture in your organization depends on, and share how you can take the culture you have and turn it into the culture you need.

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