People don’t quit jobs; they quit people.
The No. 1 reason people leave their jobs is a lack of appreciation, according to a study by Accenture. If that’s the case, then it would make sense for us all to increase the amount of gratitude we share with one another, right? It costs us nothing and we can give it with very little effort. So, why don’t we do it more often?
In coaching businesses and leadership teams, I have seen hundreds of ways teams have improved human interaction through gratitude. A Board of Appreciation is one simple program you can start in your organization to create this much-needed culture of recognition.
1. Find a picture frame. Use a spare frame you have at home or pick one up from Wal-Mart. You will also need a dry erase marker to write on the glass. Overall, this shouldn’t cost you more than $20.
2. Introduce the program. Explain to your team how the Board of Appreciation works. Someone writes a note of gratitude on the board to a fellow team member, and he or she keeps the board until he or she wipes it clean and writes a note to another person. Kick the program off yourself. Who do you want to thank today?
3. Learn how to write meaningful thank you notes. How you write your note of recognition is very important. The key is to be specific.
Begin with “I appreciate you for/because…” Then, be explicit in what or why you are giving them the board. Avoid general sayings, such as “… because you go the extra mile” or “… because you are such a team player.” Instead, think in terms of telling a story. For example, “Last Friday when a client came into the office at 5:04 p.m. and you really needed to leave, you were so attentive to his needs that he would have never known you were in a rush to get out the door.”
Next, tell the recipient how his or her action impacted you and/or the business. For instance, “Because of the patience you showed the client, the entire team learned a valuable lesson in how we live up to our commitments to our clients and how important they are to our success in this market.”
Simple, huh? The most meaningful acts usually are.
Bonus: Now, here’s a way you can take this exact same program and use it at home. At my house, I have a picture frame that sits on my bathroom vanity. From time to time I’ll write a little note of appreciation to my wife and sit the frame on her vanity. In turn, after a few days I’ll walk back into the bathroom to find a note written to me on my side of the bathroom. It’s a simple way to connect and show gratitude to those we care about most.
By reading this article and taking action in your own business, you are helping me fulfill my personal and business purpose of having a positive impact on 10 million human beings — so thank you! +10Mhb.
This story was originally published in The Tennessean.