Recently, Petra Coach hosted a Coaches’ Corner – a 1-hour session of live Q&A – with Certified Petra Coaches and Accountability Coaches Chip Gallent, Mark Comiso and Katherine Foster.
You can find the full recording here.
To augment the recording, below is a brief recap of questions and answers from the session.
“You cannot have courage without vulnerability” – Brene Brown
Q: Are trust and vulnerability teachable?
Yes – They become learned habits that form over time. It is up to the person whether or not they want to become that way & you have to practice it. You have to have courage in the beginning in order to get over that threshold to becoming vulnerable.
Q: Why is vulnerability seen as a weakness?
You’re opening yourself up to others for judgement and nobody wants rejection. We strive for perfection and approval and opening yourself up to let people see your mistakes is scary.
Q: Criticism vs. Feedback
Criticism is telling someone how they did something wrong
Feedback is telling how someone can do better – Feedback engages the learning side of the mind
- Ask how someone wants to receive feedback
Q: What are tools used when someone has a problem with vulnerability?
The Adult Agreement: Circle what you do well and identify what you could be doing better
Wheel of Life: Look at the different areas of your life and plot out where you’re doing well and where you can improve
Q: What if someone takes a look in the mirror and doesn’t like what they see, but they don’t know how to change?
Don’t look at the immediacy of where you are – Find a way to think about yourself in 5 or 10 years from now and what you want that version of you to be. Then the road to getting there becomes much simpler to see.
Book Recommendation:
Mini Habits – Change is more about how we bring on new habits
Q: What are the measurable results you can contribute to trust and vulnerability within an organization?
If you can get to a place where you’re giving feedback and not criticism, you get people who are excited to come to work and excited for opportunity – your turnover rate goes down.
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