I’m a business coach. I’m in the trenches with clients every day, helping them figure out how they can improve company culture, ramp up company growth, and take their organizations to a better place—whatever that might mean to them.
The roadmap to get there is simple (though not easy), and is squarely rooted in the use of the Rockefeller Habits. Specifically, I work with business leaders and their employees to identify and commit to short and long-term goals. We work together to figure out how they’ll go about reaching those goals, and keep every member of the team accountable for achieving results—every day and all quarter long.
As a business owner myself, I work hard and am gratified that I not only get to watch my clients grow and improve, but also get to experience daily improvement in my own organization by using the very methods that I teach every day. I’m also a family man. I have a robust life outside of the office, and it deserves just as much attention (if not more) than my business does. That’s why I’m just as intentional about practicing what I preach—in the boardroom and the living room.
Setting goals and tracking results doesn’t need to be limited to your business. At my house, we started planning together as a family many years ago, from the time my two daughters were still very young. We implemented a system of goal keeping similar to the methods I teach businesses, and our family goals cover everything from fitness to school work and beyond. And guess what? It doesn’t feel like work. Together, we’re able to achieve amazing things. So, how do you get started?
With busy schedules and competing interests, sometimes it can be tough to get your family members together for a meal, much less a family meeting. Try to find a time when everyone can sit down together. To begin, ask each person to identify three to five goals they’d like to achieve in the next year. Then have every person follow each of these four steps:
1. Ask yourself, What do I really want?
Keep in mind, this is not the same thing as what you might think (or what other people tell you) you should do. Maybe there’s a project you’ve been wanting to work on, or a hobby or activity you’ve been wanting to take up. Think about how you would feel if you accomplished your goal. Connecting to your goals emotionally will inspire you to take the necessary steps to make them a reality.
2. Be a realist.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dream out loud. That’s an important part of setting goals. However, you need to make sure you’ve got a realistic time frame in mind for achieving your goal, or you could be setting yourself up for failure. Do you think you’ll be able to work towards your goal in your time away from work or other commitments? Keep goals small, measurable, and realistic. Step by step, you’ll get where you want to go.
3. Make a plan and stick to it.
I can’t stress enough that if you don’t have a solid road map in place, it will be tough to reach your desired destination. Look at your itinerary in terms of small steps, each necessary to reach your larger goal. Then, make a specific timeline committing to when you’ll achieve each step. Finally, let your family members in on your plan and your timeline to keep you accountable and motivated.
4. If you’re the leader, lead by example.
If you’re a parent, don’t act like a CEO giving orders while you’re sitting at the dinner table. Home is not the workplace, and you need to encourage self-motivation in your kids. Unless they can do it without you dictating every step, it’s not going to work. Instead, lead by example to foster inner drive and self-motivation. Show your family that it’s possible to get a feeling of accomplishment from a job well done. Outward recognition is one thing, but when a person learns to be satisfied and motivated by their own accomplishments, that success breeds more success.
My daughters are both teenagers now, and they like to make decisions on their own. But, the seeds we planted early on have grown and blossomed, and both my daughters now use the planning process in their lives, independent of me.
As we enter the holiday season, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Encourage your family members to think about what they really want, and teach them that—with the right plan—they can do anything they want. Once you’ve prioritized goals at home, you’ll be amazed how quickly personal achievements begin to stack up.
This article originally appeared on AllBusiness.com.