How Can You Be #3,001?
Want to learn more about how you can begin your journey with Petra and be a part of our next milestone? Click here to learn more about what we do and how we can meet you where you are.
We are excited to celebrate our 3,000th planning session with organizations on their journey to scale themselves and their teams.
This past week, we reached a huge milestone here at Petra Coach: our 3,000th planning day! This means we have spent 3,000 days in the room with organizations, helping them improve their businesses and teams. This means 3,000 different times, we have pushed individuals, teams and companies toward growth and alignment. This means we’ve had 3,000 days of building relationships and encouraging others – and ourselves – to get 1% better each day. And this is something to celebrate!
Petra Coach started in 2011, and we hit out first major milestone – 1,000 planning days – mid-2017. In the three and a half years since then, Petra has grown into something much bigger. We have ventured from working with members in our home base in Nashville and across the states, to Canada, to Western Europe, to the Middle East. We have reached people in a whole new way with virtual offerings and new opportunities to connect with our network of experts through workshops, forum groups and webinars. We have guided others – mentally, financially and physical – through some of the most challenging and unexpected times in both their lives and careers. We have taken our first major milestone and tripled it in nearly half the time. We have eaten our own dog food, and we have scaled!
At our core, our purpose is to positively impact 10 million human beings (+10Mhb!) 3,000 days is equivalent to over 8 years spent solely dedicated to what we do best and making strides toward that goal.
Want to learn more about how you can begin your journey with Petra and be a part of our next milestone? Click here to learn more about what we do and how we can meet you where you are.
There is no try...only do!
I've got your back - no matter what!
Please & thank you - say & mean it!
Everything is an experience - every time!
See around the curves - anticipate needs & prefill them!
Be Curious - ask why & improve!
The ultimate coaching engagement for hyper-growth, complex organizations that need access to a broad team of experts to quickly and effectively implement the Rockefeller Habits.
Learn MoreOur most popular package for organizations that are implementing Rockefeller Habits and want to scale.
Learn MoreAn entry point for small to medium businesses to get started implementing the Rockefeller Habits.
Learn MoreA multiple organization workshop-style approach to Quarterly and Annual planning.
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