Recently, Petra Coach hosted a Coaches’ Corner – a 1-hour session of live Q&A with Certified Petra Coaches. This webinar featured coaches David Pierce, Ryan Markel and Lead Accountability Coach Taylor Brown.
The content is invaluable to leaders during this unprecedented time.
You can find the full recording here.
To augment the recording, below is a brief recap of questions and answers from the session.
Q: What have people been doing, from both a personal and professional standpoint, to improve circumstances of the new “normal”?
- Online learning courses
- Increased regular routine exercise and eating better
- Setting goals for the day
- Planning and cooking dinners
- Time blocking for certain tasks
Tip: Getting started is the most important / Make it a commitment
Q: What is the #1 thing you’ve learned from this pandemic? Either for yourself or from a member?
Virtual can be done – by all ages. We were forced into it and focused on it.
People are surprised that work items are still getting done and productivity is up
People are taking business risks because they know that we’re already at the worst that could happen. Plans that have been talked about for many years are not being executed in less than a month. The fear of the unknown is greater than the actual outcome
Q: What’s the new normal going to look like?
There will be major impacts technologically:
- The older generation has more experience now with technology, and new opportunities will come out of that.
- Sales teams may be able to sell virtually rather than travel.
- Families that live away from each others may find it easier to connect via Video Conferencing.
- People may work from multiple locations and we’re getting used to disruptions on calls and makes people more human.
- Breaking down communication walls – FaceTiming when you wouldn’t normally choose to do that
- People are having more time without long commutes, giving people more of a work-life balance.
- A new work from home package – providing a second monitor and accessories, or offering a work from home 2 days a week option
Q: What are some things companies started before the pandemic that have become even more relevant now?
Daily Huddles. They are becoming more important. If a team didn’t see value in it before, they are definitely now seeing it.
Q: What are you seeing in terms of loan forgiveness updates?
Yesterday there was an article that stated that there’s been more money going back into the fund, that’s been funded out the past two weeks. There is still $150 billion left in the PPP funds – so if you haven’t applied, do so. If you’re eligible then take advantage of it.
Not sure if this is going to happen yet, but they may extend the 8-week period, which would help those who had to shut down.
Q: Are you seeing additional benefits that companies are providing to teams because of Covid?
Focusing on Retention
- Celebrating anniversaries more than birthdays
Unlimited Vacation Policy
- As long as they are getting their job done, they can take off as much time as they want
- This builds trust with the employer and the employee
- Encourage people to take time off, even if they are just staying at home for that time
Q: What if your employees don’t want to return to work?
If there are team members that don’t want to come back, get to the root of it and ask them why. Some people may have health risks and are being cautious. At the end of the day – we are all eventually going to have to come back.
How do DiSC profiles come to light during this?
This can be so helpful with communication in the workplace. Understand how each style acts under stress and be aware of it to combat it.
Each style under stress:
D – demanding, nervy, aggressive, egotistical
I – self-promoting, overly optimistic, gabbing
S – non-demonstrative, hesitant, inflexible
C – pessimistic, picky, fussy, overall critical
Like what you see? Register for our next Coaches’ Corner HERE!